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This is the chilling Hitchcock moment when a family of crows attack passers by trying to help their stranded chick.

The real-life drama started when the young unfledged crow fell out of a nest into the road and couldn’t fly away.

But when passers-by tried to help the youngster, its parents thought it was being attacked and fought furiously to protect it.

Bizarre footage – recorded in Istanbul, Turkey, on 12th June – shows one after another would be helper frightened off by the aerial attack.

As they approach the stricken chick its parents dive bomb them like in a scene from Alfred Hitchcock’s classic horror movie The Birds.

Finally, one brave biker rushes in with a motorcycle helmet on and scoops up the chick.

As he runs down the street, the youngster’s parents furiously attack his helmet with a mob of other crows and even a pair of seagulls look set to lend a hand.

Finally, he finds a safe place to leave the chick on a shop awning and flees back up the street before the footage ends.

Hero Sebahattin Demir laughed later: “After placing it on the canopy, the crows launched their attack on me, pecking at my head from all directions.

“They continue to chase me for the rest of the day, and I must admit I look around before going out, I’m convinced that they are looking for me, and they know where I live.”

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