This is the amazing moment a home-alone four-year-old girl plunges from a third-storey window and simply bounces unharmed off a people carrier parked below.

The girl, not named by local media in Beyoglu, Turkey, had been playing near an open window on the top floor of the house.

As she slipped, she grabbed a hanging carpet and dangled terrifyingly over the 50-foot drop by her fingertips.

Below her, street CCTV footage, filmed on 17th October, shows a group of men desperately trying to work out how to save her.

One jumps into the mini-bus, apparently trying to move it so others can catch the girl.

But seconds before he can move off she loses her grip and can be seen bouncing off the roof and sliding down the windscreen and bonnet to the road.

A child falls from the third floor on a vehicle in Istanbul, Turkey, Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023. The girl survived the accident. (Newsflash)

One passer-by then scoops the girl up in his arms while another calls for emergency services.

Amazingly, according to local media, hospital medics said she was in “good condition”.

Eyewitness Volkan Ozdamar told local media: “The child was swinging out of the apartment window where the carpet was. She fell out of the window.

“We ran immediately after we saw it.

“I went upstairs hoping to save her or wake up her family.

A child falls from the third floor on a vehicle in Istanbul, Turkey, Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023. The girl survived the accident. (Newsflash)

“At that moment, the child fell.

“She was a little dazed because she hit her head on the first-floor marble ledge after falling, but she was conscious. We called the ambulance, and they came.”

Her parents, who had left the girl home alone, are being quizzed by police, reports local media.

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