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A shocked family who struggled to deal with a newborn baby who cried constantly for two months were shocked to find a hypodermic needle stuck in his leg.

Photo shows Umit Gokdere and his son, Adem Gokdere, from Igdir, Turkey, undated. Adem, who cried non-stop for two months found to have a broken syringe needle stuck in his leg. (CEN)

Adem Gokdere was discharged from the state hospital in the city of Igdir in the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey two months earlier.

The parents said he had been crying almost all the time except when occasionally sleeping.

They noticed a rash on his leg on 9th July but thought it was an insect bite.

Dad Umit Gokdere, whose age was not given, said: “We were not worried because we thought it was probably an insect bite.”

However, on inspecting the rash later, Adem’s mother noticed a small piece of metal, and the dad then pulled out the 4-centimetre needle that was from a hypodermic syringe.

He said that the needle must clearly have ended up in the baby when he was born which was what caused the crying, and said that it must have either happened at the hospital or the health centre.

Photo shows a broken syringe need pulled out from the leg of Adem Gokdere, from Igdir, Turkey, undated. Adem, who cried non-stop for two months found to have a broken syringe needle stuck in his leg. (CEN)

He is now taking legal action.

He said that he had been told by medics when he took the Adem to be treated after discovering the needle that it was not a syringe that was suitable for very young children.

He has filed a criminal and civil complaint for compensation over the incident and wants to see those responsible punished.

The dad said: “We were desperate with the baby so distressed, we didn’t know what to do about the fact that the baby was crying all the time.

“Once we pulled the needle out, it was like he was born again. The crying stopped, and the baby slept soundly.”

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