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This is the moment a tight-fisted shopper takes his 65-inch widescreen telly home in his car after refusing to pay extra for delivery charges.

Instead, the owner persuaded two pals to sit in the open boot of what appears to be a BMW 7-series motor and hold the pricy telly while he drove it home.

Phone footage of the bizarre delivery filmed from another vehicle emerged on social media showing the car weaving through traffic in Sanliurfa, Turkey.

The two helpers are dwarfed by the giant box as they cling on tight so they do not drop the TV in the middle of the street as cars mill around it.

Two people carry a television at the back of a car in Sanliurfa, Turkey, undated. The person who bought the television allegedly did not want to pay for the transportation of it and asked help from two people to carry it. (CEN)

The unnamed driver can also be seen driving very slowly so his passengers do not get bounced out of the boot.

Local media reports said that the television owner was trying to avoid the delivery fee he would have had to pay the store.

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